Cookies, third party services, personal information

We use cookies and related technologies when you use our services, in particular to optimize and personalize our services, when it is essential to provide our services, to analyze and better understand our services to provide advertising.

We use cookies when they are critical to delivering our services, optimizing and personalizing our service delivery, analyzing and improving service understanding and providing advertising. Learn more about how we manage cookies and related technologies.
Your data and personal data are securely stored in datacenters around the world.

When you first access our services, we ask you to confirm that we use cookies in accordance with these policies. If you disagree with our use of these technologies or if you later reconsider it, you can either revoke your consent by deleting cookies and disabling cookies in your browser (however, affecting the correct view of the site) or stop using our services.

Your data
If you have the account, you can access, edit, download, or delete key personal information related to your profile at any time - just go to your profile. You can also manage your subscription preferences and marketing preferences here.

You also have rights in relation to personal data. You can claim these rights by contacting us via email.
You have the right to ask us for a copy of your personal information, repair, delete or restrict the processing of your personal information and receive the personal data you have provided us in a structured, machine-readable format. In addition, in certain circumstances (in particular, if we do not need to process data to meet a contractual or other legal requirement), you may object to the processing of your personal data. If you have requested your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. If you are requesting to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data by, it will have no impact on the processing that has already occurred.

These rights may be limited, for example if the fulfillment of your request reveals personal information about another person, or if you ask us to delete information required by law or if we have serious legitimate interests to keep them.

To the extent that you are unable to exercise any of these rights through your profile satisfactorily, you can do so by contacting us via email.

Third-party Services
Certain information from you may collect third parties, such as advertisers, marketing networks, and affiliates using cookies and related technologies.

Third sides:
- data collection and analytics software providers that enable us to effectively monitor and optimize the delivery of our services
- affiliate providers does not sell any products and / or services. We provide you informations that in some cases leads (linking you) to third parties offering products or services. We therefore bear no responsibility for the accuracy of these third party services or products, and we are not responsible for their services, products or site content. Information to third parties is valid at the time of publication.

Saving Personal Data
We keep your data only for as long as we need it or as required for legal reasons. Then we either delete them or make them anonymous so that they can not be identified. We work with data differently depending on what's used, but you can ask us at any time to delete your personal information.

We use your information only if you have given us consent if it is necessary for the delivery of the services you have requested if it is necessary for the performance or fulfillment of legal rights or obligations or for normal commercial purposes of the kind set out in these principles.

If you have an account with us, we will store personal information such as your email address, name, and other information so that you can sign in and access our services for as long as you have an account. Other information may be kept for an indefinite period - as long as site activity is tied to a specific IP address - which we use to understand our traveler, improve our products and services, and protect our business interests.

Regardless of the length of your privacy time, you can ask us to delete your personal information under certain circumstances.

About project

A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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